Courses & Programmes

In order to implement NEP 2020 from the session 2023-24 for UG courses in affiliated colleges following primary guidelines will be followed:

1. UG curriculum for colleges affiliated to Assam University shall be a four-year UG programme (FYUG) as per curriculum structure provided in Annexure-I. Option for lateral exit shall be free from additional 04 credit earning. In lieu of Project / Dissertation in VIII semester, students shall have option to take three additional courses as Discipline Specific Course which will be equal to 12 credits in total. However, students opting for project/dissertation will be given Honours with Research degree and students opting for additional three Discipline Specific courses in lieu of Project/Dissertation will be given Honours degree. It is decided that in their respective prospectus each college should categorically mention this. It is also resolved that all those three papers (DSC-452,453 and 454) should be of level 500.

2. Offering Four Year Under Graduate (FYUG) programme is mandatory for all affiliated colleges. However, the colleges/ Departments shall have liberty if Honours with Research be offered or not depending upon their infrastructural limitation. If Honours with Research is not offered in a particular college, respective prospectus should clearly mention this to avoid confusion amongst students.

3. Interdisciplinary courses shall have 04 baskets viz: Natural Sciences (NS), Social Sciences (SS), Humanities (HN) and Commerce & Management (CM). Students may opt for any one from those 04 baskets in each of I, II and III Semester. Bunching of subjects in each basket shall be as per Annexure-II.

4. From Discipline Specific Minor students shall take two subjects related to his/her Discipline. Each such subject should of 50% of total credit allotted to this course. Viz; for Three Year UG programme each Discipline Specific Minor shall be of 13 credits and for Four Year UG programme each Discipline Specific Minor shall be of 17 credits. Assam University shall notify cluster of subjects from which Discipline Specific Minor (DSM) can be chosen. To be more precise it is decided that DSM- 101(3), DSM-201 (4), DSM -251(3) and DSM-301(3) = 13 credits should be the first minor subjects in case of Three Year UG Programme (TYUG) and DSM-151 (3) DSM -252 (3), DSM-DSM-302 (3) and DSM-351(4) =13 should be second minor subject. For FYUG Programme DSM - 401 (4) should be first minor subject and DSM - 451(4) should be second minor subject.

5. Students securing highest CGPA (above 6.0) and with no back paper shall be allowed to change his/her core course once only, after completion of second semester. However, if a candidate desires to make one of his/her minors to core then automatic change in the minor should be done as same subject cannot be opted as both core and minor. Also change of core may be allowed only within allied subjects.

6. 7.5 CGPA should be obtained by a student up to 3rd year for opting Honours with Research Degree in 4th year. However, for only Honours degree there shall not be any CGPA restriction. But students with arrear paper shall not be allowed to move to 4th year in any case.

7. Evaluation of 3 and 4 credit courses shall be out of 100 marks and that for 2 credit courses shall be out of 50 marks.

8. IDC courses opted shall remain same for all three semesters. Semester wise change of IDC is not allowed.

9. For AEC courses, there shall not be any internal exam. Total Marks for AEC examination shall be 50 with two hours examination duration.

10. SEC shall have to be opted from either DSC or DSM. Evaluation method for SEC for Science stream shall be 50 (End Semester Theory) +30 (End Sem Practical/Project/Field work) +20 (internal test of which 14 for test and 6 for attendance). The same for Arts and commerce shall be 50 (End Semester Theory) +20 (End Semester Practical/Project/Field work) +30 (internal test of which 20 for test and 10 for attendance).

11. For EVS (VAC-151) evaluation method shall be 70 (End Semester exam) + 30 Internal/Assignment. Marks for Internal test shall again be divided to 20 for written test and 10 for attendance.

12. Evaluation method for VAC -101 (with practical) shall be same as that of SEC (with practical) and that of VAC-101 (Without practical) shall be same as VAC-151.

13. EVS in VAC-151 should be of 100 level and EVS included in Natural Science Basket as IDC should be of 200 level.

14. Publication/Presentation of papers out of Research Project/ Dissertation carried out in VIII semester is not mandatory. However, the project shall have to be presented before Departmental Research Committee and in presence of an external examiner during end semester examination. Total marks for the project shall be 300 of which 90 shall be internal and 210 is for end semester examination. Out of 90 marks as internal, in case of Dissertation/Project, there shall be three progress reviews and each review shall be of 30 marks. Marks obtained by a student in each of the review shall be notified immediately. Review of progress shall be done by concerned supervisor in presence of Departmental Research Committee.

15. For all other courses evaluation method shall be of 70 marks (for End Semester Examination) and 30 marks (for Internal Examination). Marks for Internal test shall again be divided to 20 for written test and 10 for attendance.

16. Natural Science in IDC, shall not have any practical component.

17. For Subjects with practical's DSC -152, DSC -253, DSC -303, DSC-354 and DSC- 404 shall be practical with 100 marks. Practical examination shall be held in presence of External Examiner.

18. For Subjects with practical DSM -251 shall be practical for first minor and DSM -351 shall be practical for second minor. Marks for practical examination shall be 100 each and examination shall be held in presence of External Examiner.

19. For VAC 151 (EVS), shall not have any practical component.

20. For opting DSC and DSM combination, clustering of subjects shall be as per ANNEXURE-III. DSC from one cluster and DSM from other cluster is not allowed. DSC, DSM and IDC cannot be the same subject.

21. All DSM courses shall be stand alone and students can select first minor subject and second minor subject according to their choice keeping total requirement of 17 credit for each minor but they cannot change the code of minor papers. viz; One student of Physics (Core) may have Chemistry as first minor in DSM 101 and Mathematics as second minor in DSM 151. But the other student of Physics (core) may have Mathematics as first minor in DSM-101 and Chemistry as second minor in DSM 151.

22. For Research with Honours students, DSC-451 paper shall be research methodology and content of this course shall be same across the subjects and across the disciplines. However, for other students, DSC 451 will be a usual 500 level paper.

23. Any student interested to opt for Honours with Research should have 7.5 CGPA up to third year without any arrear.

24. In lieu of MIL, Alternative English may be opted by a student.